Friday, March 30, 2012

Exam 2 questions

Same deal- answer four of six. 250-350 words each.

1. Research the group “Westboro Baptist Church” and their rhetorical strategies. How are their rhetorical strategies similar to those of the Nazi era? How are they different?
2. Pick any contemporary political fear appeal in the United States of your choice. Using the analysis of the Casmir article regarding copers and avoiders, is the United States population generally copers or avoiders? How does that affect the success of the fear appeal?
3. In Crane’s article on Bush’s post 9-11 rhetoric, Crane cites as evidence “the use of binaries, a construction of the enemy as ‘evil’, the idea that 9-11 was a turning point, the use of apocalyptic imagery. Going back to Walton’s article, which of these is most likely to fit Walton’s definition of a fear appeal? Which is the least likely to fit the definition?”
4. Crane eventually bases the article’s argument on Hofstedter’s essay “The Paranoid Style in American Rhetoric”. What parts of Bush’s rhetoric, in your opinion, actually fits with Hofstedter? Where does it differ?
5. “The Power of Nightmares” focuses on two separate systems of fear appeal. Which one better fits Hofstedter’s argument? Why?
6. In the debate on Keystone XL identify four fear appeals in the debate. Reframe how those arguments could be made without relying on fear based rhetoric.

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